Potato, pumpkin and mustard terrine

Norbert Niederkofler & Fabio Curreli

Norbert Niederkofler, tres estrellas Michelin en su restaurante St. Hubertus, es conocido en todo el mundo por su cocina basada en ingredientes de montaña. Fabio Curreli es el chef del emblemático restaurante AlpiNN, cuyo menú firma abrazando la rigurosa filosofía \"Cook the Mountain\".  


60 min

Oven: 1 h 10 min

Norbert Niederkofler & Fabio Curreli

Norbert Niederkofler, with three Michelin stars at his restaurant St. Hubertus, is known worldwide for his cuisine based on mountain ingredients. Fabio Curreli is the chef of the flagship restaurant AlpiNNN, whose signature menu embraces the dedicated \"Cook the Mountain\" philosophy.

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