Nopal Cactus & Quinoa Salad

Alejandra Schrader

Como miembro fundador de Chefs’ Manifiesto, un programa del SDG2 Advocacy Hub, ha liderado la promoción de la equidad y la sostenibilidad en nuestros sistemas alimentarios. Es Embajadora del Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible 2: “Hambre Cero”, y ha contribuido a campañas de la ONU, la OMS, el Programa Mundial de Alimentos, la Fundación EAT y Global Citizen.


25 min

Alejandra Schrader

As a founding member of the Chefs’ Manifesto—a program by the SDG2 Advocacy Hub— she has taken a lead in promoting equity and sustainability in our food systems. She is an Ambassador for Sustainable Development Goal 2: “Zero Hunger”, and has contributed to campaigns by the United Nations, World Health Organization, World Food Programme, EAT Foundation, and Global Citizen.

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