Clasic Baguette


25 min

Rest: 10 min, Kneading: 15 min, Rise: 5 h, Baking: 15 - 20 min, Cooking: 10 - 20 min

● 25 g of white rice flour
● 75 g sorghum flour
● 250 g of corn starch
● 50 g of cassava starch
● 100 g of rice or sorghum sourdough
● 450 cc of filtered water at 28 °C
● 20 g of cane honey, agave or arrope
● 1 tbsp. organic brown sugar
● 1 tbsp. sea salt
● 1 tsp. of vinegar (If it is live vinegar, better)
● 10 g xanthan gum
● 5g of Psyllium
● 2 g granulated dry yeast
● 2 cups of small stones
● 1 liter of boiling water


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